Have you ever doubted your abilities, felt like a phony, or not good enough or unworthy of something despite your achievements and accomplishments? Well, you are not alone. Those feelings of distress, a sense of being a fraud, and conflict of self-perception can signify that you are experiencing the imposter syndrome.
In the third episode of Things-Hue-Vomit Season 2 aired last June 16th, Mix and H discussed the psychological phenomenon that reflects one’s internal beliefs about success and competency called Imposter Syndrome.
What is Imposter Syndrome?
The Imposter Syndrome, also pertained to as perceived fraudulence, is a psychological phenomenon or experience involving self-doubt, inadequacy, and incompetence despite the shreds of evidence that one is worthy and deserving of certain success.
As Mix mentioned in the podcast, the Imposter Syndrome is a phenomenon and a feeling, meaning it is not a mental disorder. This usually occurs when one feels unworthy of achieving something and that somebody else is more deserving of that accomplishment than themselves.
“In reality, you wouldn’t be where you are if you don’t deserve it,” Mix stated.
In most studies, the imposter syndrome is commonly associated with those who are highly skilled and high achievers, but this phenomenon can affect any individual in various forms depending on their background.
How does Imposter Syndrome take place?
H explained that this syndrome is highly influenced by society, cultivated by the unhealthy competition derived in one of the most common toxic traits in the Philippine culture — crab mentality.
Common triggers usually emerge at work, school, and home environment, often during the developmental phase of a child — a crucial stage in shaping their overall trajectory. Unfortunately, in the context of Philippine culture, parents are usually the primary actors in triggering the imposter syndrome as they tend to compare their children with others.
Mix added that the situation gets worse when children are being compared to another sibling.
H stated that some instances wherein approaches are intended to motivate another person to keep pushing and continue to excel in their craft may unconsciously appear as triggers that develop imposter syndrome as current accomplishments lack recognition.
How can we prevent the development of this syndrome?
“You have to give credit where it’s due,” H expressed.
Mix added that when an individual shares an experience of accomplishment or failure, one way to prevent the occurrence of imposter syndrome is to contribute to making that experience something that the person can look back at and feel motivated and hopeful of excelling further.
In times of downfall and success, recognize and acknowledge the silver lining in every situation. Start within our homes and ourselves. With this, we can contribute to correcting toxic traits in our society.
You can download and listen to the full Things-Hue-Vomit episode on Spotify, Apple Podcast, and other digital streaming platforms.
Be part of the conversation. Correct one toxic trait at a time. Be a HUE in this society.