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Manila, Philippines

Writer's pictureDenise Simone


Photo Courtesy of Kean Cipriano's Instagram (@kean)

It takes guts to cut a different path and challenge a certain status quo. But the childlike in Kean seized an opportunity and fearlessly plunged into the unknown as he crafted his debut solo album childlike.

For almost 16 years, Kean has been the frontman of the pop-rock band Callalily — the composers behind hit tracks Magbalik, Stars, Ex, Pansamantala, and many more. It is established that branding is significant for setting into motion a specific identity in a competitive industry like music.

Album art by @jpacena

However, as Kean attempts to explore his musical range over the years, he found himself his own “pop culture” in childlike. — deviated from a pattern and eager to express his emotions, not for anybody else but himself.

After years of being exposed to the business side of the industry and somehow having to compromise certain aspects of his music, Kean explained that finally, his solo album, which was three years in the making, paved the way to discover his own authentic sound.

When asked about the most challenging part in the process of producing the album, Kean expressed that as he established his own record label O/C Records, in 2018, he had to mark time and prioritize trailblazing other artists under the label.

But after listening to the invigorating yet romantic and natural tracks in the album, one can be assured that the timing for this release is as smooth as it can be — considering the uncertainties in our world today, childlike. can accord you a feeling of calmness, courage, and hope, as long as you allow the music to cut through you.

Kean’s debut solo album is composed of nine tracks, a mixture of previously released materials — Eye Contact, Tangina, Later When I’m Drunk, Make Me Fly, Sulyap, Walk On Water, and fresh new tracks such as Took Me Out, Sa Ibang Mundo 2021, and Tonight I Break Some Promises.

There’s a lot more to the story of childlike. other than the narratives depicted in the tracks. The value behind the curation of the whole album tells another story about going out of a comfort zone, sticking to your vision, and understanding the power of collaboration.

Listen to the whole album and be part of the journey. Stream childlike. now out on all digital streaming platforms.


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